bg korg yg ttanya2 menatang ape la FAKE beauty mark/mole yg sesetengah org sampai sanggup lukis/kaler or wat guna gam bulu mata utk kasik timbul skit b4 dkaler ngn liner..ala2 nk wat FASHION STATEMENT n wat muke nmpk lbh seksi/unik la kot ..
bende ni cam pelekat la..lekat jek kat mane2 yg korg rs cam seksi n bhgn ne yg org nk accentuate.haha..kalo kat bhgn bibir cam nmpk lbh kissable la kot, kalo kat mata blh nmpk cam cmne plak kalo ttba pelekat tu tcabut?pastu ttbe je ade cam jerawat padahal sblom ni xde..kantoi lak.hahahaha..lawak3
n satu g, bende ni dtg lam 3 kaler..ikut kesesuaian warna kulit so nmpk cam natural (natural ker?xde mknenye) :P
1) midnight kiss = ni kaler plg hitam la
2) chocolate kiss = kaler dark brown utk org yg tan/medium-colored skin
3) toasted kiss = utk org yg bkulit cerah
my opinion on this thing is : it's WEIRD, FUNNY N STUPID..hahaha :D
marilyn monroe..i wonder if this is fake or not? i think it's real, but mayb die kasik glapkan je g beauty mark tu.hemm...
p/s: mine yg kat upper right lip is natural n ori k? x kuase nk lekat2 gune pelekat HOTTIEDOTS ni...buang ms n duit je :P
ever wonder why some of the hollywood celebrities have an amazing eyes?? it's certainly because of their perfectly shaped EYEBROWS!! ^_^ d general idea on how to shape ur brows follows these 3 simple rules; beginning, d arch of ur brows and where it's d picture :
1) ur brow should begin slightly outside the inner corner of ur eyes
2) d arch should be at the the same level of the middle of ur iris where u place ur brush at the end of the nose up towards ur brow
3) it should end slightly outside of ur eyes
n walaaa....a PERFECTLY shaped eyebrows! ^_^
i admit that shaping ur brows is not an easy task to takes years for me to really determine which looks best on me (true story..tskk2 )..but u just need to practice n practice.over time, u can master the skill as well..n remember ur eyebrows are 'sisters', not 'twins'. it's ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to have d same exact look on both of them. u'll notice one side will be a little teeny tiny bit (or more) different from the other side. as long as it's not too obvious, u'll b just fine..
eyebrows are a really important feature. it FRAMES and GIVES DIMENSION to ur face. for me, i prefer a REALLY defined and slightly arched brows just like megan fox n kim kardashian. wanna noe y? bcoz i can c dat it's d most suitable shape for me 2 (not too round n not too flat just because i already have a round eyes n oval face shape)..not that i want to look like them, but brows like them draws more attention to the eyes. i guess that's d reason y their eyes are the one people said to be ' A SEXY KILLER EYES' (well, besides d fact that they have a sexy almond-shaped eyes which i obviously dont have.. d'oh )
this is also an important aspect on how to determine which shape is suitable for u
this is considered d ideal face shape..most of the people dreams of having this face shape(dats y there is a cream or whatsoever product to achieve that 'v' shape on ur chin. i somehow can't recall the product's name. n i wonder how they even works, like..really? :P)..ok, so the perfect eyebrow shape for this face shape is the SOFT ANGLED shape..the arch should not be too high or else it would make ur face seems longer
2) ROUND - width and height are almost similar
in order to make ur face appear longer, u should create a HIGHER ARCH to give an illusion of a more oval face shape. stay away from a round brow shape, or else it will make ur face appear 'rounder'
3) LONG - forehead, cheekbone and jawline are at the same width
if u have a long face shape, u should stay away from having a high-arched brows. u should stick with a FLAT brow shape..this shape is perfect for u. it shortens ur face and doesn't add more length to ur already lengthy face shape. (p.s :if u have round eyes in addition to this, add a little bit more space between ur eyelids n brows so that ur eyes will not appear hooded)
4) DIAMOND - highly angular, short forehead, widest at temples of the cheekbones
the most suitable shape for this type of face shape is the SLIGHTLY CURVED shape, just to soften ur face shape, in which d widest portion falls on d temples of ur cheekbones..d curve dat i'm talking about here is d slight curve dat u should made at the beginning of ur brows
5) HEART - similar to oval shape but with a more pointed chin
a low arch round shape brows are the most attractive for those with a heart face-shaped people
6) SQUARE - similar to long face shape but with a heavier and squared jawline
people with this kind of face shape have a square jaw which is certainly a very strong feature n sometimes, make u look slightly masculine. choose a THICKER AND CURVED shape to balance the look
xtau la if korg pnh dgr ttg ni b4 ni or i dh cube for about more than 2 weeks now n d result is AWESOME..
yela..b4 ni, i salu show kene pakai fake, ble nk cabut je false eyelashes dr eyelashes yg btol grenti ade yg tcabut, makin lama blh notice la mkn kurng bulu mata.huhu :(
so, i pon x tragak2 la cube..ape la slhnye kan..bkn mhl pon vaseline n blh thn lama gak pakai..sebotol kecik tu br je rm3-4..pakai 2 kali shari (cam ubat plak.haha) n b4 tdo..pas 2 mnggu la plg kurg, korg blh tgk bulu mata korg kin lebat n pnjg.kire cam conditioner la utk bulu mata korg kenela rajin pakai stiap hr.jgn plak hr ni smangt pakai, esok da mls.huhu..
n korg akan notice yg pas korg pakai,korg cuci muka n bla nk pakai mascara pon, jd lbh licin n xde clump (true story.. :P)..yela..kalo slalu pakai mascara, bulu mata akn jd kering dsbbkn wax dr mascara, ble pakai vaseline, bulu mata akn jd lbh lmbut cm kulit gak..
korg blh calit sikit vaseline kat jari n taruk kat bulu kalo i, i ske kepit dulu bulu mata i pastu ltk vaseline kat berus mascara yg lama b4 ltk kat bulu mata cam pakai mascara kene pastikan berus tu cuci btol2.tkt ada sisa2 wax dr berus tu yg msh tinggal..pas 2 mnggu, i notice bulu mata i jd lbh bnyk n grow curly dr yg sblom ni.n ble da pakai mascara, bulu mata nmpk lbh pnjg..xla cam pnyapu jek.huhu:(.tp kene taw la,bulu mata ni cam kat bhgn lain gak, die blh memanjang sampai certain length je x cam rmbt kte..
so, sesape yg concern psl beauty cam i blh la xyah g la pakai fake eyelashes yg mnyusahkan n nmpk fake sgt tu..
sori sbb xde pic yg blh tunjuk b4 n after buat mende alah ni..xde kamera yg power utk,korg cube je la sndr..:P
penh dgr x psl produk 'SKINZ INFINITE'??konon kulit jd lbh lmbut n cerah dlm ms 2 mnggu la.hehe.dorg punye ambassador is CHARMAINE SHEH :)
ni die punye produk :
mmg i mude g kot utk cube produk2 cmni coz mainly produk cmni utk prevent/repair aging skin..hemm...xpela kan?ape slhnye jaga dr msh muda..kalo dh tua kerepot br nk jaga muka, lg susah :P
okla,xnk ckp byk.skang tgh promo seset rm54.90..b4 promo, harga sbenar die rm169.90..dlm set tu consists of:
1)eye revive therapy
mende ni pakai pg n mlm utk mncerahkan kawasan bawah mata yg cam panda..kalo bli satu2 harga die rm45.90 (15ml)..ade uv protection gak.die punye tekstur bes.ble ltk je kat bwh mata, trus rs cam absorb msk kulit
2)youth recall day moisturiser SPF20 PA++
moisturiser ni pon bes.mmg cpt absorb kat kulit.die punyer fragrant xla kuat sgt..okla tue..ade spf20 g..40g, bli satu2 harga die rm45.90
3)youth recall serum
so far, ni la yg plg i ske.pd yg x taw, serum ni utk mpercepatkan skin regeneration process.kire fasa kulit tuk tuka sel kulit br n remove sel kulit mati spy kulit jd lbh smooth.ble pakai,mmg trus absorb n rs kulit cam lembut je..betolll :P pakai sikit je dh cukup..wangi n tekstur x likat n transparent je kaler.30ml, harga rm59.90
4)hydraclean cleansing cream
dlm sume2, ni la yg plg murah..100g harga pasaran 17.90.hehe..mmg bes..wangi x byk buih cam cleanser lain..fresh je pas cuci muka pakai ni.n kalau pas pakai mekap,cuci muka gune ni mmg sng je hilang mekap die bg free kalo beli set tu(mmg la bg free,dh ni yg murah.kan?.huu)
so,sesape yg conscious sgt psl penjagaan muka cam i, bole la cube try produk ni k? far, i bole ckp ok n bes la (xtau la kat org lain.kulit lain2.ade yg mayb sensitif.p kulit i x snsitif sgt,so pakai je mane2)..xtau la bkesan ke x coz br je stat pakai..n xnmpk la sgt beza sbb kulit muda g.haha..saje je nk cube2 produk made in MESIA ni..hehe..yela.sape g nk bli kalo x kte sndr kan (patriotik skit :P)
Everytime you feel like you cannot go on You feel so lost That your so alone All you is see is night And darkness all around You feel so helpless You can’t see which way to go Don’t despair and never loose hope Cause Allah is always by your side Insha Allah x3 Insya Allah you’ll find your way Everytime you commit one more mistake You feel you can’t repent And that its way too late Your’re so confused, wrong decisions you have made Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame
Don’t despair and never loose hope Cause Allah is always by your side Insha Allah x3 Insya Allah you’ll find your way Insha Allah x3 Insya Allah you’ll find your way Turn to Allah He’s never far away Put your trust in Him Raise your hands and pray OOO Ya Allah Guide my steps don’t let me go astray You’re the only one that showed me the way, Showed me the way x2 Insha Allah x3 Insya Allah we’ll find the way
I praise Allah for sending me you my love You found me home and sail with me And I`m here with you Now let me let you know You`ve opened my heart I was always thinking that love was wrong But everything was changed when you came along OOOOO And theres a couple words I want to say For the rest of my life I`ll be with you I`ll stay by your side honest and true Till the end of my time I`ll be loving you. loving you For the rest of my life Thru days and night I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes Now and forever I I`ll be there for you I know that deep in my heart I feel so blessed when I think of you And I ask Allah to bless all we do You`re my wife and my friend and my strength And I pray we`re together eternally Now I find myself so strong Everything changed when you came along OOOO And theres a couple word I want to say For the rest of my life I`ll be with you I`ll stay by your side honest and true Till the end of my time I`ll be loving you. loving you For the rest of my life Thru days and night I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes Now and forever I I`ll be there for you I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here Infront of me I strongly feel love And I have no doubt And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally For the rest of my life I`ll be with you I`ll stay by your side honest and true Till the end of my time I`ll be loving you.loving you For the rest of my life Thru days and night I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes Now and forever I I`ll be there for you I know that deep in my heart
I was so far from you Yet to me you were always so close I wandered lost in the dark I closed my eyes toward the signs You put in my way I walked everyday Further and further away from you Ooooo Allah, you brought me home I thank You with every breath I take. Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah. I never thought about All the things you have given to me I never thanked you once I was too proud to see the truth And prostrate to you Until I took the first step And that’s when you opened the doors for me Now Allah, I realized what I was missing By being far from you. Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah. Allah, I wanna thank You I wanna thank you for all the things that you’ve done You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost You guided me from all the ways that were wrong And did you give me hope O Allah, I wanna thank you I wanna thank You for all the things that you’ve done You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost You guided me from all the ways that were wrong I wanna thank You for bringing me home Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.
Alllahu Akbar… If you ask me about love And what i know about it My answer would be It’s everything about Allah The pure love, to our souls The creator of you and me,the heaven and whole universe The one that made us whole and free The guardian of HIS true believers So when the time is hard There’s no way to turn As HE promise HE will always be there To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there HE’s always watching us, guiding us
So when the time is hard There’s no way to turn As HE promise HE will always be there To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there HE’s always watching us, guiding us And HE knows what’s in all in our heart So when you lose your way To Allah you should turn As HE promise HE will always be there… HE bring ourselves from the darkness into the light Subhanallah praise belongs to YOU for everything Shouldn’t never feel afraid of anything As long as we follow HIS guidance all the way Through the short time we have in this life Soon it all’ll be over And we’ll be in His heaven and we’ll all be fine So when the time gets hard There’s no way to turn As HE promise He will always be there To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there HE’s always watching us, guiding us And HE knows what’s in all in our heart So when you lose your way To Allah you should turn As HE promise HE will always be there… Allahu Akbar… So when the time gets hard There’s no way to turn As HE promise He will always be there To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there HE’s always watching us, guiding us And he knows what’s in all in our heart So when you lose your way To Allah you should turn As HE promise HE will always be there… Allahu Akbar…
i llllooovvveee all his beautiful..awesome voice and personality..i think he's one in a million ^_^
tired of having damaged n ugly hair?? is a solution..ive been using this hair product for over a year now n so far been very happy with d using Herbal Essences long term is a photo of d product..
it basically prevent split ends and breakage..a few years back,i had had my hair permanently permed and after a years of having curly hair,i decided of having my hair straightened back..n these were actually one of the biggest mistake i made in my a consequences, my hair is getting ugly n my hair is having a pretty bad breakge and split ends.n although i had straigtened it, i don think it was as straight as my natural hair (up till now.huhu)
n then, i found this product n thank God, my hair is back to more split ends!yeay!! ^_^ ..i shampooed and conditioned my hair almost every day, especially when i feel like going out.i also use Herbal Essences long term rships hair mask every single day..hehe..i often heard dat shampooing and conditioning ur hair every day is actually bad..but i don think it does bad for my hair (d only thing is dat my hair has becoming too soft n too stubborn, dat it won't hold any hairstyle for a long time.haha..even with all dat hairspray,its quite hard to style n hold it into position.some even gave up n complained when they have to do coiffure/ 'sanggul' for my hair.LOL).well,im sorry about dat but i <3 my hair..hehe..n bcoz of my hair, i have won an award during my biotech dinner last year..there are 5 nominees n all are chinese except me but the winner is ME!!yeay.hehe..d award is called "Rapunzel's sister" (although my hair is not as long as Rapunzel n has becoming shorter ever since.haha)
so,if u long for a shining n healthy long straight hair, go for this product n experience the magic urself..u won't regret it..hehe