Monday, October 24, 2011

REVIEW : Lip Ice Water Colour 'Think Pink' by Mentholatum

ok..ari ni nk bg review skit psl lip ice yg baru (baru ke?xsure la..yg pasti sy BARU bli.ekeke :P)

hari tu g jnjln masuk kedai bese a..lau masok kedai tu or guardian mmg xsah lau x de duit yg masuk cash register :'( mule2 ingt nk bli yg maybelline baby lipbalm ape tah yg baru byk ckp bli ttgk lipice ni 'eh. cam bes je packaging je..comel gitu..ada merpati dua sejoli bcintun' ..tros je amik..nk tawu yg na? ni la die mende alah tu :

comel x comel x? 'think pink' slogan breast cancer awareness month lak..bsempena la kot..pepandai je..haha

ada empat colour range: Vintage Pink, Fantasy pink, Kissy pink and Sexy Pink . bdw, lau nk tgk kaler utk stiap satu tu, sile snggah kat link ni..xtaw sape nye korg tgk je la lau bminat

sy pon amik yg 'Fantasy pink' sbb kaler cantik cam coral pink gitu..hehe..kissy pink tu cam terang sgt la plak..nsb bek x amik..yg fantasy pink ni pon cam agak obvious jugak la lau sy pakai..xcalit byk pon.juz dab2 sikit je.hehe

yg bes :

1) tahan lama beb.walopun kte mnum mmg x de la kesan bibir kat mmg penting la kan. so, xyah la nk tacap byk2 kali..malu jugak nk tacap dpn org.nnti org ingt kte prasan cntk sgt la pulak.hehe..

2) kaler mmg cantik.cntik sgt sy ckp td, xyah calit byk pon da ada kaler..pastu ade cam glitter n shiny sikit(kot..).tp xdela byk sgt cam bibir kene tonyoh ngn minyak =_=

3) oh ya..die + bole moisturisekn bibir jugak..xdela mngeringkn cam most lipstik

ni dipetik dr web mantholatum;

'The LipIce Water Colour Lip Moisturizer is also enriched with the latest anti-ageing ingredient ofMaxilip™ and Vitamin E that helps to reduce fine lines and keep the lips supple.'

yg x bes xde kot..hehe..sape suke, sile la snggh d guardian/watson dn hulurkan duit rm14.90 kat cashier.hehe

p/s: sori lau ada kekurangan kat review ni..fes tyme buat review camni..xreti sgt.ok..sblom anda blah, jom tgk gmbr sy memakai lipice water colour ni ^_^

kbaii (:

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