this is my current lens collection..
1) natural 3 tones brown (newly-bought)14mm
2) pink lens (forgot its name already.haha..sorry) 16mm
3) kira2 grey lens (so far my fav.hihi) 16mm
4) super barbie princess blue (a gift from my friend..thx dear *_*) 14.5mm
some of u mayb wondering what d hell am i doing with all these lens.after all, ure only using a pair at a time.haha.well, i kinda get bored using d same lens everyday.u noe wat i mean :P n fyi, im not using it just for fun (literally..d'oh), im kinda 'blind' degree power is 675 each eye. so, can u imagine me surviving without my lens/spec?huhu :(
ok.just a quick is my new eye makeup look using my new brown lens.not a really brown-chocolatey color, more like a golden honey color when i wore it.supposed to look natural bcoz it has 3 tones color, but i think it is the definitely the most unnatural one from the bunch :(
yeah,, i think GREEN looks d BEST for any brown-colored lens/eyes..b4, i never use green e/s bcoz i think it look kinda weird on my eyes.but with my newly honey-colored lens, i think d color compliments d green e/s so's d pic:
twilight eye?? it looks crazy..yeah, thx so much for d lighting for making my eyes look like a tiger's eye.haha :D although in real life it's not this bright, but it's still too BRIGHT 4 me ! but i kinda liked it
verdict: would i re-purchase it? no!definitely.haha
just so u noe..all my lens collection, i bought it from a friend of mine :